Tips for healthy pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a sickness. This you must have at the back of your mind to be able to have a healthy pregnancy. Your mind set affects your psyche somehow with regard to how you would undergo this nine/ten months journey to motherhood. An expectant mum can feel fantastic when her bundle of joy is still kicking within her. But that invariably depends on how you take good care of yourself. If you’re eager to do so, here are simple tips on how to have a healthy pregnancy.

Take care of hunger.

Eat well balance meals each day. Your food must not lack vegetables, cucumber, tomatoes, carrot, garbage, and local veggies are superb too. Don’t ignore them. Each time you’re hungry, ensure you have some things to nibble at. But also be sure that they are things your doctor or dietician recommend. You can have some handy vegetables and fruits as carrots, cherries, garden eggs to mention but few, in your hand bag. It is also healthy to drink enough water starting from every early in the morning. Remember, it is not out of place to do early morning water therapy to cleanse your system.  Medics have said it is healthy to drink plenty of fluids, at least 8 to 10 glasses a day.

Don’t ignore Vitamins.

The major reason you are advised to start your ante-natal clinics early is to be medically examined early enough and to be receiving some prenatal vitamins that would keep you and your unborn baby in good health. Remember, when you’re given prenatal vitamins, it is expected you take them as directed by your doctor and not to throw them into any trash can or to hide them under your pillow for the simple reason that they smell foul. Some of the drugs you take are meant to prevent your unborn baby from having health anomalies.

Exercise regularly.

Exercises are healthy for you because they can help to reduce stress. Take a walk for at least 15 to 20 minutes every day at a moderate pace. 

Avoiding caffeine.

Desist from chewing kolanut just because it helps you to curb vomiting or sour taste. Kolanut contain caffeine which would rob you of a good sleep and keep you unnecessarily tensed. As an expectant mother, you need all the rest you can think of so that your blood pressure would not in any way be affected.

Adequate sleep.

When you fail to sleep well at night, it affects you and shows on your face and eyes. So. If you’re finding it difficult to sleep, tell your doctor. Reason you’re expected to sleep at least 8hours every day. if you’re suffering from sleep disturbances, take naps during the day and see your physician for advice.

Stay away from alcohol.

Don’t drink alcohol, no matter how little. If you must, wait until you are being delivered of your baby.

Don’t smoke.

You’re not expected to smoke when you’re heavy. This shouldn’t sound new to you. For pregnant mothers whose husband smoke, don’t allow yourself to be exposed to second hand smoke or be a passive smoker. For if you inhale the ‘fumes’ from his cigarettes, you have become a passive smoker.

 Comfortable fashion or style.

It is good for expectant mums to look good but that shouldn’t be at the detriment of your comfort. Wear comfortable flat shoes, not too tight under wears, avoid dresses that would make you look as if you are squeezed into it all in the name of trying to be trendy. Put your feet up several times a day to prevent fatigue and swelling of the legs and ankles. 

Use safety belt while driving.

Pregnancy doesn’t exempt you from using safety belt while driving. Make sure you use the safety belt regularly to  protect you while driving.

Don’t take herbal remedies or over the counter medications.

Don’t take medications carelessly without first consulting your obstetrician. This also includes herbal medicines.

With all these simple and easy tips, every expectant mum can do and avoid all we suggest here.

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