Exercise for stress-relief

There are so many exercise you can perform to help you relief stress. However, in this post, I will share some simple and easy to do exercise that can help you to relief stress after your daily activities and they will not take up much of your time.

The Plough

The exercise combines here stimulates the activity of the thyroid glands; it’s of great help to those with sluggish digestion as it stimulates the peristaltic movement of the bowels. Also an effective

Coconut Rice Preparation

Coconut rice is a very good food for your body. In this post, I will share with you the step by steps on how to prepare coconut rice.

Natural hair oil for hair diseases

Before, pomades and hair creams are the common source of getting natural hair. Sometimes, your hair just needs something light and inexpensive. Are you having thinning or dry hair or you’re battling with dandruffs? Then try to use natural hair oil.

Oiling your scalp is one of the reasons you may have problems with your hair. When you use the wrong hair pomade and

7 Wonderful Foods For Facial Glow

If you intend to eat to have a more beautiful face, simply take any of the face friendly foods we list here and you will start looking more prettier without spending much money to achieve your goal.

What is Atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis, sometimes called hardening of the arteries, is the link between erectile dysfunction and heart diseases. The arterial wall become thickened and clogged with a fat plaque (cholesterol plaque), thereby narrowing the lumen and in turn affecting the ability of the artery to dilate because the elasticity is lost. The after effect of it is the poor supply of oxygen rich blood to the organs in the body. 

Erectile Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction otherwise called erectile dysfunction (ED) is a major problem in most families in the world. In some, it has led to separation or complete divorce. In some religious faith where divorce is not allowed, it makes both spouses to endure the marriage rather than enjoy it. Erectile dysfunction, apart from the social problem, may be a warning sign for impending heart disease. 

Tips for keeping fit at the Office

As far as most office work goes, a sedentary lifestyle is usually the norm. for most office workers, a larger part of the day is spent n the office and most of the time, behind their desks. Unfortunately, after a tiring day, they usually go home and sit in front of TV. One habit that stand out is the constant sitting and less physical activity.

Apart from the weight issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle, Prof Lasun Emiola of the Department of Physical and Health education, university of Ilorin, kwara State, observed it can result in great increase in hyperkinetic diseases like hypertension, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.