Nordic Walking for wellness

It is a general rule that we need 10,000 steps a day to achieve optimum health. With our sedentary lifestyles most people do not ‘clock’ a third of this rule. 

Nordic walking is a fitness walking technique that uses specialized poles to create total body work out. It firms up the stomach, chest and arms, as well as strengthens the back.  The poles which are light weight, give power and balance to your stride. It is an effective, easy and fun exercise suitable for all ages and fitness levels. 

The two light weight specialized poles propel you as you walk. The support given by the poles make the exercise easier at the same time as you walk faster and your body works harder. It is believe that the body is able to burn up to 40 percent more calories with Nordic walking than ordinary walking.

Nordic walking is a moderate – intensity aerobic activity. Holding the poles, you to swing your arms from your shoulder with elbow straight as you walk and this propels you forward. The poles take the weight off the knees and lower body joints- this makes you feel lighter on your feet. The added arm push work the large muscles of the upper body and ensures you maintain the right posture.

Regular Nordic walking can lower the risk of chronic illness such as:
·         Heart disease
·         Type 2 diabetes
·         Stroke
·         Asthma
·         Some cancers
·         Helps with weight loss

Some facts to support Nordic walking.

Ordinary walking seriously involves only 40% of the body muscle.
Using poles get seriously involvement from 90% of the muscles in the body.
More than 50% of the body’s total muscle mass is in the upper body.

Some other benefits of Nordic walking:
·         Boost cardiovascular fitness
·         Tones arms, shoulders and chest muscles.
·         Great upper body work
·         Improve stability, mobility and posture.
·         Reduce pain and injury
·         Improves quality of sleep
·         Great stress – burster
·         Improves lymph system function and boosts immune system
·         Strengthens and develops the endurance of abdominal, back, shoulder, arm, chest, leg and all core muscles.

However, there is no doubt that the body was made to move. Walk your way to health with Nordic walking. Walk smarter and not harder to get optimum health and wellbeing.

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