Exercise for stress-relief

There are so many exercise you can perform to help you relief stress. However, in this post, I will share some simple and easy to do exercise that can help you to relief stress after your daily activities and they will not take up much of your time.

The Plough

The exercise combines here stimulates the activity of the thyroid glands; it’s of great help to those with sluggish digestion as it stimulates the peristaltic movement of the bowels. Also an effective
cure for constipation.

1 – Fingers To Toes

Follow the steps below to get this done.

Sit down flat on the ground; stretched your hands gently to touch the toes. Remain still for a period of 15 to 20 seconds and repeat thereafter for two or three times.

This exercise stretches your back muscles and enable you move freely at a times.

2- The shoulder stand

Though the classic shoulder stand is executed without a prop, the variant under discussion here is done with the aid of chair for people who are beginner.

Place a chair on the practice mat at one end. Lying on your back rather close to the chair, raise both legs and rest them on the chair forming a neat slant from feet to shoulder. Place the hands a little away from the sides. Breathe in slowly, rhythmically and breathe into the abdomen. A minute or two will do at the initial stages. Follow that up with the dead man’s pose of lying completely still on your back.

The shoulder stand affects the thyroid gland which normalizes metabolism and the production of heat and control the heart rate. 

3- Triangle Pose

Follow the steps to get this done.

Standing with the feet rather wide apart, turn the trunk to the left and lowering it, place the palm of the left hand fat down on the outside of the left leg while raising up the right hand and strengthening it at the elbow. Breathe normally and retain the position for about 10 to 15 seconds.

The triangle stretches the leg, spine, and trunk muscles.

It promotes flexibility of the hip spine and legs. It tones the nerves of the spine and the abdominal organs. It reduces pain in the lower back and invigorates the circulation.

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