What is Atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis, sometimes called hardening of the arteries, is the link between erectile dysfunction and heart diseases. The arterial wall become thickened and clogged with a fat plaque (cholesterol plaque), thereby narrowing the lumen and in turn affecting the ability of the artery to dilate because the elasticity is lost. The after effect of it is the poor supply of oxygen rich blood to the organs in the body. 

Atherosclerosis affects different people in different places, but it often affects the penis first, then the heart, brain, and the legs last.

Rather than concentrating on the social problem, it is good to note that ED can be warning sign  that a heart attack or a stroke may follow, often in the next three to five years.

This warning sign can be a good thing if it alerts you and your doctor that you have atherosclerosis, because then you can take steps to treat the atherosclerosis and prevent a heart attack or stroke.

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